Fruit: When and What you can Feed your Baby

Fruit for Baby Image: Photomix Company- Pexels

One of the most common questions a first time mother has is: When and what can I feed my baby? When can I feed her ‘real’ food? Below is a varied list of the fruit purees you can give your baby from six months to one year of age. With these recipes your baby’s diet will be more varied and complete, and remember that for good growth you should complement them with vegetable purees.

Fruit porridge for babies by month:

Start with these at 6 months:

Apples, pears, bananas, and oranges are some of the first fruits that we can introduce into the baby’s diet. Blueberries are also good so long as they are mashed, otherwise they can become a choking hazard. From five or six months of age, and always with your pediatrician’s approval, you can introduce fruit porridges to your baby. So that your baby does not get tired of the same purees, it is best to vary the composition. At six months, parents can feel free to use these fruits individually, or even better, mix them together for a greater variety of nutrients.

Here’s an addition at 7 months:

Papaya is a great addition to a baby’s diet and is loaded with Vitamins A and C. Start with a little to gauge your baby’s reaction. If all goes well, papaya can then be mixed with any of the other fruits to creat a porridge mix or eaten alone. Papaya is also frequently used as a home remedy to help overcome constipation. Give just a little papaya puree, and that should help relieve your baby’s symptoms without the need for other medicines.

Nice additions at 9 months:

At 9 months, a greater variety of fruits can be added into the mix. Fruits like watermelon, grapes, kiwi, honeydew, cantaloupe, plums, and mango can be added to your baby’s diet. One popular mix consists of papaya, mango, and orange and is so good, you’ll want to make extra for yourself!

12 months is the magic number:

At 12 months, your baby is open to most fruits. You can add cherries (be careful though, cherries can cause gas), as well as strawberries and apricots. At this point, make sure you are adding vegetables like sweet potato, carrots, broccoli, and green beans, to your child’s diet as well.

Have fun! Mix and Match! And always make sure to consult your pediatrician.

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